Why is it so important to keep your WordPress website secured and up to date? I have been monitoring a little bit less than a dozen sites for the last 2 years, and the amount of security breaches or attacks that are happening on a daily basis is pretty intense!
Why do I need to update my plugins?
Plugins creators are doing their best to protect their users of attacks or hacking. They are monitoring their codes all the time and when a security breach happens, they try to patch it the best way they can. Then you will see on your WordPress dashboard that there are updates needed. It means that the creator of the plugin found a solution to a problem on the plugins and updating that plugin will result in increasing the security of your website.
When you wait a long time before updating your plugins, you are putting yourself at risk for attacks.
Sometimes, a plugin made an update to their core activity, and it impacts other plugins or themes that are working together. What happens then, if you don’t update your plugins or theme, is that visually, your website might look twisted, something is off, but you can’t really know what. When you update your plugins, you can fix those small bugs and make your website run smoothly again.
But first… Let’s BACKUP
Backing up a website is definitely not the funniest thing to do to keep your website secured and maintained! But it is SOOOO important!
When you are backing up your site, you are creating a security net in case the updates don’t work as expected on your site (and it happens…)
I remembered doing some updates on my personal sites, and I thought I could handle it without backing up my site, unfortunately, once I updated the plugins, my website crashed, I had no way to enter the back end of my site, no way to do a quick fix. I had to use my FTP and work on the server-side to reverse my actions manually. From that day on, I never made an update without an updated back up I could use to restore a site in a few minutes!
Here is a link to a pretty well-made video if you want to learn or refresh how to do manual WordPress BackUp
What else can I do to secure my site?

Have strong PASSWORDS matters!
Having a reliable and strong password is an extra security against hackers who will use bots to recreate a combination of passwords. While I monitor websites for security, I receive notifications of hackers who are trying to crack a password, they attempt, thanks to bots, to more than 200 combinations per 10 minutes!
Having a password that is NOT a known word and/or a combination of following numbers is the first step in the right direction. A good and strong password will mean something to you only. Use acronyms of words, capital, lower cases, and punctuation.
The next step is adding a 2-step authenticator! It is such a nice feature to add, and once you know how it works, it’s super easy!
Avoid having pages of your site stolen!
When your site is at risk and a playground for hackers, one of the most occurring events is that they would steal pages of your site and promote content that is not at all related to your website.
We’ve all heard and seen those inappropriate website content on a reliable source. You don’t want your brand to be associated with that!
Make sure your site is locked, protected, fenced, and up-to-date!

What are the solutions?
At a Positive Future, we know how caught up with your life mission one can be! We know that website updates are usually at the bottom of the to-do list of our customers. We also know that having to deal with blocking hackers can be scary and we all have enough on our plate to worry for.
That is why we are focusing on training our customers to do it by themselves, OR we are offering them a full website maintenance and security service that take the hassle out of your back.
We take care of the back-ups!
When you sign up for the Website Maintenance and Security Service, one of the first things we will do is install a software that will allow us AND you to run backups on a schedule. We will archive them for you on an agreed location.
We are making sure your backups are easy to restore in case you need them immediately!
We teach you how to use the plugin in case you need to make some updates on your own terms.
What about Security?
We install The Best WordPress Security Plugin to Secure & Protect WordPress websites.
This is a mandatory strategy anyone who collects data, email, purchase history need to have on their site or at the hosting level!
Protects yourself, your work, and your customers! We know you care for them!
What about the plugins and theme updates?
Every day, I monitor sites for updates, file changes, notifications of suspicious behaviors, I run scans of your site to see if there are changes that are not supported.
I make sure your site is up according to your hosting server capacities.
I email you once a month with the updates I have run, the backups I have in my hand, and how many attacks have happened on your site during the last 30 days.
If you are interested to know more about it and want to be trained for that, I am more than happy to train my customers so they can be as independent as they want!
If you want to receive our offer for our Website Maintenance and Security Service, please reach out to us!
Send us a quick email here: info@apositivefuture.com
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